Effective scar treatment

After wounds or scratches heal on the body, a scar often remains on the skin. This name is usually used in everyday life: in official medicine, such traces are called scars. From a physiological point of view, they represent the body's response to damage to the dermis. In other words, the site of the rupture becomes overgrown with connective tissue. Since ancient times, scars have been one of the main problems of medicine, which remains relevant to this day.


Is it necessary to treat scars and scars

The marks on the skin are mainly an aesthetic problem. They do not have any negative impact on the human body, but significantly disrupt the aesthetic perception of individual parts of the body. And if earlier the saying "Scars adorn a man" was quite common among the representatives of the stronger sex, today it has already lost its relevance. Marks on the skin are a particularly unpleasant problem for women who try in every possible way to hide them with the help of cosmetics.


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Therefore, today the problem of removing scars and scars from the skin is one of the main ones in such areas of medicine as dermatology, surgery and cosmetology. This problem remains especially relevant for open areas of the body, which are most often not covered with clothing, in particular the face. However, modern technologies allow you to completely get rid of the marks on the skin. The main thing is to choose the right treatment method.


How is the treatment of scars on the face and other parts of the body carried out

It should be noted right away that there is no universal method or technique for getting rid of scars. In order to choose the most effective method of treatment, a medical specialist must first determine the type of skin, as well as the nature of the damage. In modern medical practice, it is customary to divide all scars and scars not into four main varieties, for each of which there is a specific healing technique:


1. Normotrophic. Such scars do not cause any problems or inconvenience to patients, but are rather an aesthetic problem. Most often, there is no need for surgical removal of such marks, since they are characterized by a yellowish or pale flesh color. The safest and most effective method for the patient to heal such scars is chemical peeling, or one of these technologies.


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2. Atrophic. These are marks left on the skin after suffering from diseases such as acne. The main problem with such scars is that there is not an even, but a ragged trace on the skin with pronounced stretch marks on the skin. Most often, special devices are used to heal such scars, for example, for radiofrequency grinding. And finally align the skin and get rid of the marks help additional injections of hyaluronic acid under the skin.


3. Hypertrophic. Such scars are easily identified by the characteristic protruding parts on the skin. Usually, such marks on the skin almost completely heal within 1-2 years after application. But in some cases, there may still be traces. If the marks are too large, then their removal is possible only surgically. In all other cases, it is quite possible to do with the use of one of the methods of hardware cosmetology. In addition, resorption of connective tissue can be achieved with the help of subcutaneous injections of hormonal drugs.


4. Keloid. Skin markings of this type are the hardest to treat, since they are characterized by progression and most often affect even healthy areas of the dermis. The most suitable method of treating keloid scars is subcutaneous injections with drugs from the group of corticosteroids (such as Kenalog or Diprospan). Chemical peeling with the use of phenol or trichloroacetic acid is also used for complete elimination.


What you need to know before starting treatment of scars and scars

Before proceeding with the procedure of removing marks on the skin, each patient should know that:


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It is not possible to get rid of scars and scars at home.

There are no local remedies (ointments, creams, etc.) to eliminate marks on the skin. Widely advertised cosmetic preparations at best soften the skin or make the scar less noticeable, but do not eliminate it completely.

Complete healing of scars (except in some cases) occurs in at least a few months. If a clinic or a specialist promises you "instant elimination" of any marks on the skin, this is a reason to at least think about their competence.

Thus, the treatment of scars and scars on the face and other parts of the body is a difficult, but quite feasible task frauen viagra bestellen.